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Evacuee update Friday 01 September ‘23

Dear Vineyard family,

Anida and I are in contact with many of you, as you are with us, thank you. Although we are unable to give news on the whole church family, wherever you all are, we can give news on us, and so remain connected.

Our church is still scattered from as near as Bechoko, through High Level, Fort Providence, Peace River, Fox Creek, Whitecourt, Fort Smith, Edmonton, Jasper, Calgary and now also Ontario and Winnipeg.

Our thanks again to the people of these towns and cities, and others, who have opened their arms and hearts to evacuees in all sorts of ways.

I have concluded my workshops at Langley Vineyard BC, the commissioning Service at Brandon Vineyard MB, and am near done with the work at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard MB. 

As a result of this pre-planned trip, we have only had to make use of Government provided evacuee accommodation on one evening. Our bookings ended on Wednesday evening, and we were able to  stay over with Niels, Gayle & Grace Jeyasegara last night.  Niels and Gayle send their love and prayers to YKVC.

This evening and tomorrow night we are with Rob Raw, who recently led our worship workshop weekend in YK.  Our plan is to attend the worship service at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard this Sunday and then start winding our way back toward Alberta. We might extend the Winnipeg stay for a day or two depending on whether I am still needed on Monday.

Once in Alberta we will be staying with John and Debbie Doody for a night or two before (hopefully) being able to head back to Yellowknife. We want to be within ‘striking distance’ of Yellowknife once we get the green light.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, as you have been in ours.  So far, we have put 6000kms on the clock of our car with a good 3000kms to go!

We want again to thank all the people who had to remain in the city, or territory as essential workers. I became aware of more than those we initially thanked, after the event. We are grateful for you. Without being premature, we also want to thank God for the protection of our city.  Lord, we are so grateful to you for your protection and continue to plead for your mercy for all the hamlets, towns and cities affected by these fires.

Kyrie Eleison – Lord have mercy

Keep safe, remain patient, responsible and law abiding, and stay connected.

Grace and peace to all, till we are together again soon.

Melt & Anida