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Melt continues the sermon series on Romans this week.  His sermon is titled "Peace with God."

Scripture Reading:  Romans 5:1-11 (NIV)

We will be celebrating communion on Sunday and ask our online members to have their elements ready.

Last weeks' sermon - Abrahams' faith as a prototype - October 22 - can be heard by clicking the "Listen Now" button below.

Tom and Juliana send grateful and heartfelt thanks for the outpouring of love and support by the Vineyard congregation.  Many thanks to you all.

We will keep you posted on the situational needs as they share. In the meantime please continue to help support them with meals as they do not have access to a kitchen. Sign up to Take them a Meal is:

Password:  vineyard

Saturday 28th October @ 10:00 - Noon at the church.  The 2nd Saturday in the workshop series with Melt on Prayer and Gifts.

Please don't forget to let Melt know how many children you will be bringing as child care is provided, but we do need to know ahead of time these logistics.  Email Melt at

We will not be providing lunch on Saturday.

Only 2 and a half weeks left to fill your shoeboxes!  Please don't tape the boxes too tightly as they are all opened and double checked before being sent.  This is where the call for volunteers to help with the Packing Party on Sunday November 19 from 2:00pm - 5:00pm comes in - to help check and do final wrap for transport. 

If you are able, or are interested in, helping the organisers - it's a fun afternoon - please email Barbara at:

Grace and Peace.