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On Sunday - 22nd October - Melt will be picking up and continuing with the sermon series he paused in July for the summer, on Romans. This 8th sermon in the series is titled "Abrahams' Faith as prototype".

Scripture Reading:  Romans 4:13-17 (NIV) 

Last weeks' sermon - "The Call" - (October 15) can be heard by clicking the "Listen Now" button below.

Samaratins' Purse Christmas Shoebox - Deadline for collection of complete boxes is November 16th - but in order for us to make an easy delivery, to help alleviate pressure on the Ops team, please bring your completed boxes to church on or before November 12th.

Please visit the website before purchasing products to ensure that goods such as toothpaste are not included. How to pack a Shoebox link

Labels (which need to be printed) for each box and the $10 per shoebox donation can be found on this website and the recommendation is to do the donation registration for your box online.

If you are not sure which ages to pack for, consider the Boys 2-4 yrs and Boys 10-14 yrs as these are the boxes they get the least of.

The local Yellowknife manager for the Operation Christmas Shoebox is also really needing volunteers to help with the collection of the boxes from Nov 16 - 19th and the Final Packing and Sorting Party on Sunday afternoon November 19th. If you can help with collection and packing please contact Barbara Perrot at

Vineyard Christmas Dinner - Saturday December 16, 2023 - United Church - 5:00pm

We will be having a potluck with turkey and ham - as we did for Thanksgiving - at the United Church premises starting at 5:00pm.  Save the date!

Kin Culture South Africa - If you haven't yet considered helping us to partner with this ministry, please visit their website. It offers a wealth of information on their work and services with the placement and support of desperate children and foster families -

Grace and Peace.