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This Sunday Melt will be preaching and his sermon is titled "The Call".

Reading: Ephesians 4:11-14

Last weeks' sermon - "Give thanks in all circumstances" - (October 8) can be heard by clicking the "Listen Now" button below.

On this coming Sunday, Josh Mitton will be commissioned as Worship Pastor.

It's Kick-Off Sunday for Kingdom Kids this coming Sunday.  Fun and surprises for all!

Thank you for all the generous donations of food, clothing and cash donations for the Salvation Army!

Saturday 21st and 28th October - Prayer and Gift Networking Workshops.  Don't forget to contact Melt at asap to confirm your spot.  The workshops will be held at the church from 9:30am - 12 noon - childcare will be provided.

It is that time of year again! Time to pack a shoebox for a needy child in time for them to receive for an awesome Christmas.  There will be shoeboxes for collection to take home and start filling on Sunday!  Fun for the kids here and awesome love for the kids over "there"!

Grace and Peace.